Contact Information

  • It will depend on the question needing to be answered. Please use the following directory to contact someone regarding a specific question Executive & Management Directory — DOCJT ( If you still have questions, please contact our main switchboard at (859) 622-1328 for assistance.

  • If you have an issue or concern that has not been resolved by the Department of Criminal Justice Training please contact one of the following management personnel.

    Registration & Blackboard Courses
    Marnie West

    Firearms, Vehicle Operations, DUI, PT/DT, Tactics Training
    Rob Ramsey
    Branch Manager

    Leadership, Investigations, Patrol, Resiliency (PCIS) Training
    Shannon West
    Branch Manager

    Law Enforcement Basic Training Academy, Public Safety Dispatcher Academy, Court Security Academy, Legal Training
    David Goldey
    Branch Manager

    LETRS or Information Technology (IT) (Non-Blackboard), DOCJT Surveys
    Patrick Miller
    Staff Assistant

    DOCJT Facilities, Dorm, Classrooms, Parking
    Kerrie Dehorty
    Branch Manager

    Kentucky Law Enforcement Program Foundation Fund (KLEFPF), Accounting, Records, CCDW
    Kimberly Coyle
    Branch Manager

    Media and Public Information
    Kelly Foreman

    Joey Barnes
    Investigation Manager

    School Marshall and School Assessment
    Ben Wilcox
    School Marshall

Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapons

  • Yes, so long as Kentucky’s CCDW is recognized through reciprocity in that state. CLICK HERE for an updated list on state reciprocity with Kentucky CCDW.

  • A person must be 21 years or older to take or sit in a CCDW class.

  • A B21 35X45 silhouette target must be used.

  • No. Training certificates are for life. Contact the DOCJT CCDW to obtain a duplicate training certificate from the DOCJT CCDW office, email or call 859-622-2299.

  • No. Renewal notices are sent from the KSP CCDW Permit Office.

  • Yes. The retired office must bring the form to the instructor, who will watch him/her shoot 20 rounds and sign off on the qualification form. There is a $20 fee.

  • Yes. However, you cannot advertise that weapons will be loaned. Advertisement is illegal.

  • No.

  • No. They may apply online or take their discharge papers to the sheriff’s office. KSP’s CCDW Permit Office will make a determination based on their handgun training.

  • Department of Criminal Justice Training
    ATTN: CCDW Program
    4449 Kit Carson Drive
    Richmond, KY 40475


  • Kentucky State Police
    Carry Concealed Unit
    1266 Louisville Road
    Frankfort, KY 40601


Court Security Officer Basic Training

  • All trainees must report to the lobby for orientation of the Thompson Hall Building by 4 p.m. the Sunday before training is to begin. Coursework begins at 8 a.m. Monday. A typical class schedule goes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

  • Yes. It is mandatory that trainees reside in the dorms during the week. They are allowed to go home over the weekend but must check back into the dorm Sunday evening.

  • Yes. Trainees will be issued T-Shirts. Sponsoring agencies issued tactical pants must be worn during training. Trainees are required to be dressed in either an agency uniform or business casual for men and women.

  • During the two week academy, trainees will be involved in defensive tactics and firearms training.

    Trainees must be able to perform firearms training from a kneeling position and be able to return to their feet without any assistance.

  • For the gym, trainees must bring tennis/gym shoes with a non-marking sole. They also must bring agency-approved handcuffs with cuff case and key.

    For the firing range, trainees must bring boots or other comfortable, foul-weather footwear. They also must bring solid color BDUs (no camouflage) or other work clothing and a baseball cap.

    Trainees should bring personal grooming items (soap, towels, washcloths, etc.)

    You may bring your pillow, twin-sized XL bed linens, and blankets. Dorm staff does provide pillows.

    Medical devices (such as a CPAP machine).

  • Televisions are not provided. If bringing a TV, it must be able to connect to wifi. No cable wired tv will work in the dorms.

    No electrical cooking devices such as microwaves or hotplates are permitted in the dorm rooms. Coffeemakers with an automatic shut off are allowed. Refrigerators are permitted.

    Washers/dryers are provided in Thompson Residence Hall. Trainees must provide their own laundry detergent and fabric softener.

    Irons and ironing boards are provided.

    Each room is equipped with a bathroom (commode, shower, sinks).

    Also furnished are two of the following: twin-size XL bed with storage drawers underneath, nightstand with drawer, 3-drawer dresser, 3-drawer student desk, and bookshelf with overhead light.

  • Hair shall be neat, clean and not extend over the collar. Sideburns shall not extend below the ear lobe. Mustaches shall not extend beyond the corner of the mouth. No other facial hair is permitted without medical documentation or written permission from your sheriff. Women should wear hair short or “up” off the shirt collar.

  • Meal cards will be distributed during the orientation meeting. These meal cards are active for Monday breakfast through Friday lunch.

    Breakfast and lunch are provided in the Stratton Building Cafeteria beginning at 7 a.m.

    All evening meals will be provided on EKU’s campus (instructor will inform the class of location) Monday through Thursday, 4:30-6:00 p.m.

    Trainees will receive a daily allotment of $34. The trainee is responsible for paying anything over the daily allowance.

    Trainees will not receive a refund for money unused, nor will the remaining monies be carried over to the next day.

  • Trainees can park in the Thompson Hall lot. The Funderburk lot is for employees only.

  • Trainees will not be permitted to leave Madison County from the time of check-in Sunday evening throughout the week until Friday after being dismissed from classes unless prior approval is granted.

    Trainees will not be permitted to leave DOCJT campus until classes have ended for the day. Curfew is at 11 p.m. each night.

    Students will not be allowed to reside in the Thompson Residence Hall Friday night through Sunday morning unless prior written permission has been granted.

  • Minimum score of 70% on the written exam, and successfully “pass” all skills exams utilizing a pass/fail scoring rubric.

  • The academy’s code of conduct is defined by 503 KAR 3:110.

  • Per DOCJT Policy 2002-006, Student Ombudsman, a student ombudsman is assigned to each class to assist with student welfare during all training conducted by DOCJT. The ombudsman shall ensure fair and equitable treatment for all recruits and students in their charge. Any concern may be addressed with the ombudsman for resolution in compliance with agency statutes, regulations, agency policy, and direction.



  • Every three years.

  • Effective 1-1-2024 – No longer needed. All information about personnel changes will be entered into LETRS by the agency administrator within five days after a change in personnel status (new hires, changes from full-time to part-time, part-time to full-time, terminations, resignations, retirement status, rank changes, etc.)

    • Form F’s are not submitted to KLEC within five days of personnel changes. Effective 1-1-2024 – No longer needed. All information about personnel changes will be entered into LETRS by the agency administrator

    • Form 68-3 (Firearms Qualification Form) are not submitted annually to KLEC. Effective 1-1-2024 - No longer required. Firearms qualification documentation for all officers will be entered in to LETRS by the agency administrator annually - KRS 15.383

    • Agency’s payroll department does not calculate overtime pay correctly. For every hour of overtime worked by an officer, they are entitled to $3.11 per hour. This is based on the hourly rate of the $4,300 training stipend. The hourly rate is $2.07 and the OT rate is $3.11 ($2.07 x 1.5 = $3.11).

    • Officers have not completed their annual 40 hours of in-service training. KRS 15.440(1)(e)

    • Some agencies attempt to work personnel in areas that they are not certified. (Example: Having Court Security Officers perform law enforcement duties that are unique to Deputy Sheriff certifications).

    • Not having enough Sexual Assault Investigators trained according to the size of the department. According to KRS 15.334, the number is determined by the size of the agency.

      • An agency with 10 or fewer officers are not required to have a trained sexual assault investigator

      • Agencies with 11-20 officers are required to have one sexual assault investigator

      • Agencies with 21-50 officers are required to have two sexual assault investigators

      • Agencies whose roster is greater than 51 must have four sexual assault investigators

    • Form F’s are not submitted to KLEC within five days of personnel changes. Effective 1-1-2024 – No longer needed. All information about personnel changes will be entered into LETRS by the agency administrator

    • Dispatchers have not completed their eight hours of annual in-service training. KRS 15.560 – 15.565

    • Part-time employees are working in a full-time capacity. Part-time employees are prohibited from working full-time unless they are certified.


  • Late submission of paperwork. Instructors are required to forward applications/course material to DOCJT within five business days of teaching a class.

    Submitting insufficient payment (personal cold checks) to DOCJT with the paperwork. If an instructor submits a cold check, they will be required to submit a cashier’s check or money order for future classes.

  • B-21 PC Silhouette Target in KARs – 503 KAR 4:050 2 (2) (d) – At a distance from a B-21 silhouette target, or an equivalent as approved by the department, of seven yards.

  • Yes. It is at the discretion of the CCDW instructor. There are no statutes, regulations or case law indicating otherwise.

  • Yes, but you cannot advertise that you will. 503 KAR 4:050 8 (1). Section 8. (1) A student shall use a safe, functional handgun and factory-loaded ammunition.

  • Students are no longer required to perform the cleaning procedures of weapons, but the instructor and instructor trainer must demonstrate the cleaning procedures.

  • No. Although there are no statutes, regulations or case law that prohibits duplication, there are copyright laws to consider.

  • Yes. See 503 KAR 1:180

  • No. KRS 237.110(1) states the Kentucky State Police are only authorized to issue and renew licenses in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

  • No. KRS 237.110(4) and 503 KAR 4:050 4 (1) advise that an applicant training course shall not be open to persons who are less than 21 years of age.

  • Training certificates have a lifetime term.

  • There is no timeframe.


  • Training locations and addresses will be emailed to participants two to four weeks before classes start.

  • For enrollment or class cancelation assistance, contact Registration at 859-622-1004, or email

  • Classes typically begin at 8 a.m. each morning.

  • All requests for training registration must be made by the coroner and go through the electronic training management system “LETRS.”

Distance Learning

  • Yes, if it is a course approved for in-service training.

  • For enrollment or class cancelation assistance, contact Registration at 859-622-1004 or email

  • For best results, use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. Firefox is incompatible.

  • To ensure a smooth learning experience, go into the internet browser’s settings and disable pop-ups. Also, make sure the browser’s security settings allow videos and presentations to play.

  • This class will be “Video-Cast” live from the classroom to your device using the link provided to BlackBoard Learning Management system. You can choose to use a laptop, desktop, or handheld device as long as it has a web browser and the most up-to-date Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser. There will be a class coordinator and several course monitors assigned to teach the class. This is a Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00, 40-hour In-Service Class. The only difference from a standard DOCJT in-person class is that you will be watching online from your chosen location while the instructors teach the course. You may be at your office, home, or department, but you are expected to be at the computer/device at all times during the course unless permission is granted according to DOCJT policy. There is a tutorial that walks you through the different options in the system.

    Please note if there is a pre-class assignment, this is mandatory to be completed before class on Monday morning.

    A student link will be emailed to you, click this link and enter the virtual classroom. If you have not received a link, a week prior to the course launching, please call registration to verify your correct email is in the system.


  • That is up to the agency’s head. Consult with the agency head or training officer before requesting enrollment in courses. It is recommended that officers take courses relevant to their position. For example, a chief should not be taking courses designed for patrol-level officers.

  • The agency training officer or agency head will sign officers up for classes through the LETRS system.

  • Yes. Please contact the Dorm Manager at 859-622-5926 or email

  • Yes. All KLEC-certified courses will count toward the Career Development Program. Please email DeAnna Boling, program coordinator with the KLEC office, or call 859-622-6496.

  • Those decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and are based on availability, payments, locations and if the class is a DOCJT or hosted course from an outside provider. Please contact the In-Service Branch Manager.

Kentucky Criminalistics Academy

  • To attend KCA, a prospective trainee must be hired by a law enforcement agency in Kentucky as an investigator, detective or a crime scene technician, and have approval from their employing agency chief.

  • After receiving approval from their agency, a prospective participant must request that their agency head submit an application on their behalf to KCA. Upon being accepted into the academy, the employing agency’s training coordinator must enroll the student through the LETRS system.

Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund (KLEFPF)

  • You are required by law to take the Legal Update Penal Code and Legal Update Constitutional Procedures in order to be considered eligible for KLEFPF, which must be completed within one year. An officer who has not been employed with a law enforcement agency for more than three years, within one year, must also complete Basic Officer Skills (BOS).

  • The employing agency must request an extension for the previous year’s training. If the extension is granted, the officer is eligible for KLEFPF. If an extension is not requested, they’re not eligible until training is complete.

  • If your basic training was approved by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, and you have completed legal updates and Basic Officer Skills (BOS).

  • Yes. The only exception is when an officer is military or workers compensation leave.

  • If anything is wrong on the agency’s monthly KLEFPF roster or if a Form F has been sent in incorrectly.

Law Enforcement Basic Training Academy

  • To attend the Basic Training Academy, an individual must be hired by a law enforcement agency. For a comprehensive list of admission requirements, please see KLEC Hiring Process. NOTE: The hiring agency is responsible for initiating the application process and must register the recruit for Basic Training after Kentucky Law Enforcement Council’s approval of forms.

  • During training hours, recruits will wear three main uniforms: Class B, PT (physical training) and DT (defensive training).

    Class B Uniform

    • This uniform consists of a navy blue, short-sleeved uniform shirt with functional shoulder epaulets that allow buttoning /unbuttoning, two pockets with flaps.

    • Navy blue uniform pants

    • Complete set of leather or nylon gear

    • Body armor

    • Black belt

    • White crew neck t-shirt that is visible at the neck beneath uniform shirt

    • Black or navy blue socks, police-type duty shoes

    • DOCJT-issued cap (cap will be provided)

    • The name tag shall be worn on the left shirt-pocket flap (will be provided)

    • Navy blue uniform shall be clean, pressed and in good condition

    • The uniform will be appropriately sized to fit the recruit and not excessively loose, baggy, or tight

    This uniform will be worn almost daily.

    DT Uniform

    • This uniform consists of a DOCJT-issued gray t-shirt

    • A pair of navy blue uniform pants

    • A complete set of leather or nylon gear

    • A black belt; body armor

    • Black or blue socks

    • Pair of police-type duty shoes

    • Recruit cap

    PT Uniform

    • DOCJT-issued gray t-shirt

    • Solid, dark blue athletic shorts with an inseam of eight (8) inches or longer (cut off shorts or short-shorts are prohibited)

    • Solid dark blue sweatshirts (required from approximately Oct-April) NO HOODIES

    • Solid dark blue sweatpants

    • Solid white no-show or ankle socks

    • Pair of running shoes

    Range Uniform

    Recruits are required to wear a variation of the DT UNIFORM to McKinney range and Boonesboro range.

    • Recruits are permitted to wear different color BDU style pants and different types of boots.

    • Recruits will wear their issued gray PT shirts to the range.

    • Agency jackets are allowed to be worn.

    • Recruits may wear toboggans during inclement weather.

    • Camouflaged gear of any kind or athletic shoes are not permitted.

    Other necessary items:

    • If the recruit requires a medical brace, they must bring it with them.

    • Recruits must bring body armor on day one. If a vest is unavailable, the recruit must notify the coordinator immediately.

    • A complete set of leather or nylon gear is required for the first day of training. This should include all items that are normally carried while on duty such as; belt, holster, handcuffs, handcuff key, flashlight holder with flashlight, magazine carrier.

    • DOCJT recommends a double- or triple-retention holster.

    • Chemical agents, batons, and Tasers will be provided by DOCJT during appropriate training times. Only the carriers are needed.

    • Recruits are required to have an athletic-type mouth guard.

    • Male and female recruits must bring groin protection. Female recruits should also bring a sports bra.

    • Compression shorts are needed for physical training exercises. Leggings are not permitted.

    • MMA-style gloves are optional but recommended. They need to be black or red.

    • A whistle is required for week 3 of training.

    • Recruits must bring three magazines for their specific semi-automatic weapon. Rifles and ammunition will be provided.

  • Orientation for the new curriculum starts at noon, Eastern Standard Time. Recruits must arrive at least 15 minutes early for check-in at the Thompson Hall Lobby. Attendance is mandatory.

    Recruits should arrive in business attire and bring a driver’s license. Recruits will receive some class materials and go over rules, regulations and expectations of the academy. Expect orientation to last approximately six hours.

    Recruits must fully complete pre-class assignments and bring all required paperwork to check-in, including CPR and first-aid certification card and three FEMA forms.

  • Pillows and linens for a twin bed

    Hangers and a laundry bag or basket

    One refrigerator per room

    One family photo and an alarm clock

    Televisions are not provided. If bringing a TV, it must be able to connect to wifi. No cable wired tv will work in the dorms. One TV per room no larger than 43 inches

    Thermostatically-controlled coffee maker

    Electric irons

    Hair rollers, curling irons, straighteners,


  • Microwaves

    Hot plates


    Deep fryers

    Any indoor grill

    Electric skillet

    Sandwich maker

    Open heating elements of any type

  • Entry-level officers will be given over 20 cognitive and/or psychomotor assessments during this curriculum. Either a numerical score or a Pass/Fail designation will be given to show successful completion or failure on the assessment.

  • The academy’s code of conduct is defined by 503 KAR 3:010.

  • Per DOCJT Policy 2002-006, Student Ombudsman, a student ombudsman is assigned to each class to assist with student welfare during all training conducted by DOCJT. The ombudsman shall ensure fair and equitable treatment for all recruits and students in their charge. Any concern may be addressed with the ombudsman for resolution in compliance with agency statutes, regulations, agency policy, and direction.

Law Enforcement Training AND Reporting System (LETRS)

  • Go through the personnel change request process to remove a person from the organization.

  • CLICK HERE to view the webinar

  • CLICK HERE to watch the webinar

  • To update records for agencies, KLEC has asked that all agencies fill out form Q under the forms link. Once approved, your agency will use the POPS precertification events to set up your precertification events.

  • Depending on your role, you would fill out this information under the “Forms” link on the side and then click personnel changes. Click on the “Create a new Personnel Change Request” link at the top, attest you have a right to make the change, and click existing employee. Fill in the appropriate information based on the change you wish to make.

  • There are currently six roles and permissions an agency head can request for their agency. These are:

    • Agency Head: All permissions associated with the agency, including role assignment authorization, hiring, registration, compliance, KLEFPF - NOTE: Only an agency head or chief executive officer (e.g., Mayor, County Judge Executive) may designate someone with the agency head role.

    • Training Director: All permissions associated with hiring, personnel change edits, and registration. The training director is the primary point of contact for agency information from DOCJT related to training

    • Administrator: All permissions associated with hiring, personnel change edits, and registration

    • Training Coordinator: All permissions associated with registration

    • Human Resource: All permissions associated with hiring and KLEFPF

    • KLEFPF: Ability to view and complete any KLEFPF-related information within the system

    • Agency Compliance: All permissions with viewing and uploading agency compliance files - Note: The files within this section are statutorily prohibited from being released or viewed by anyone other than those authorized by the agency head for this role. Therefore, only an agency head or chief executive officer (e.g., Mayor, County Judge Executive) may designate someone with the agency compliance role

  • These replaced the old forms that were sent to KLEC.

  • You can see certain personal identifying information depending on your role in the system. You are stating every time you log in to the system that you understand the confidentiality requirements not to share this information outside of the system unless authorized by law to do so, or by retracting personal identifying information (DOB, System ID, etc.) in accordance with open records laws.

  • Social Security numbers (SSNs) are one of the only valid identification numbers used to distinguish people within a system. However, these numbers can only be seen by the highest level administrator role within the system. They are not viewable or obtainable for any other purpose but to distinguish individuals.

  • Yes, the student can click the forgot password link and change their password. They can also edit certain personal information by going into their personnel record and clicking details, or going to the “person details,” where they can change their driver’s license information or their contact information email.

  • Until the system is set up for the agency head and training director to edit these for the agency, please download and fill out the LETRS User Application and submit it to

  • To submit your agency’s marksmanship qualification you will register the officers who have completed this training in the class established by the Office of Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Support (OKLECS) for the year. This is basically you attesting to the fact that they have completed the required marksmanship training required by KRS. If you have questions related to this process please contact the OKLECS at

  • Anyone who had an active ACADIS account, with an email, will continue to receive emails at the address on file. Those who have left an organization can continue to log on and view their training history as well as change their email, if they wish.

  • Once you have logged in go to the top right-hand corner of the LETRS homepage and click on the circle with your initials in it.  It will give you a link to change the password to whatever you would like.

  • Go to the person link on the left side of the page, and you will see your personal information. Click on the Training Band and then the link that says Training Requirement Summary. It will list your certifications and current status (e.g. met, meeting, not met).

  • Those with appropriate roles can click the dashboard link and then click the training requirements band.  This will open up the certifications associated with the organization.  They can click the plus sign (+) beside the specific certifications to get a list of their agency personnel with that specific certification.  They will then see the current status of the person and their certification (e.g., met, meeting, not met).  If the plus sign (+) next to the person's name is clicked, a list of the associated training and their status shows.  The agency has the ability to export information related to what is on the screen by clicking the export button.

  • If the curriculum associated with the class has not been approved by KLEC then the class does not count toward a certification.  Classes are sometimes scheduled prior to the curriculum being approved for agency planning purposes.  Once the curriculum is approved as counting toward a certification then the person will change from the not meeting to the meeting status.

  • Your email is likely invalid.  This may be because it was put in the system incorrectly, or you have changed emails, and the old account has been deactivated.  You will need to update your email to the correct address. 

  • Go to the person link and select your name.  Go to the “Contact Information – Email” band and either add email, delete, or edit your email address or add an email.  If you have multiple emails in the system you need to select a primary where you will receive system communications.  If an email is no longer valid you may delete the old email as long as you have one in the system.


  • It is available on the forms page.

  • No, it is recommended, but not required.

Public Safety Dispatch Academy

  • Men:

    • At least two pair of black dress pants with belt loops. No cargo pants. Dockers or Dickies are acceptable brands.

    • Black belt.

    • Black socks above the ankle (no footies).

    • Black, plain-toed, dress shoes (to be worn starting the first day of training). No type of athletic shoes will be permitted in uniform.

    • A solid black short-sleeved T-shirt to be worn under the polo shirt.

    • A solid black coat to be worn during inclement weather. Employing agency logos are permitted on the coat.

    • A pair of navy blue or black sweatpants for after-hours attire.


    • At least two black dress pants or knee-length skirt with belt loops. No low rider or hip hugger pants or skirts. No cargo pants. Dockers and Dickies are acceptable brands.

    • Black belt.

    • Black socks, above the ankles. Hose may be worn instead of socks (no footies).

    • Black, plain-toed, dress shoes (to be worn starting the first day of training). No type of athletic shoes, ballet flats or croc-type shoes will be permitted in uniform.

    • A solid black short-sleeved T-shirt to be worn under the polo shirt.

    • A solid black coat to be worn during inclement weather. Employing agency logos are permitted on the coat.

    • A pair of navy blue or black sweatpants for after-hours attire.

  • Trainees will be issued three (3) DOCJT Polo shirts that may only be worn during classroom hours.

    Trainees must wear the full uniform beginning at 8 a.m. the initial day (Monday) of the training class. Any deviation from the above must be approved in advance of the class starting date.

  • The recruit should bring personal grooming items (soap, towels, washcloths, etc.)

    You may wish to bring your own earphones for your personal comfort and preference while working in the computer lab during the academy.

    You will need to bring your own pillow, twin-sized XL bed linens, and blankets.

  • Minimum grooming requirements include clean shaven, side burns no longer than the bottom of the ear.

    Hair shall be neat, off the collar and off the face.

    If the trainee’s hair is long, it shall be neatly pulled back and off the collar.

    These standards are effective from the first day of training and will be inspected.

  • Meal cards will be distributed during the orientation meeting. These meal cards are active for Monday breakfast through Friday lunch.

    Breakfast and lunch are provided in the Stratton Building Cafeteria beginning at 7:00 a.m.

    All other evening meals will be provided in the Case Building, on EKU’s campus Monday through Thursday, 4:30-6:00 p.m.

    You will receive a daily allotment of $34.00. The recruit is responsible for paying anything over the $34.00 daily allowance.

    Trainees will not receive a refund for money unused nor will unused monies be carried over to the next day.

  • All Public Safety Dispatch Academy trainees must reside at the Thompson Residence Hall unless a dispensation has been given prior to attending. This dispensation must be granted by the commissioner. There will be no commuting except on weekends; dorm curfew will be at the discretion of the commissioner of the Department of Criminal Justice Training.

    Students will not be allowed to leave Madison County from the time of check-in Sunday evening throughout the week until Friday after being dismissed from classes unless prior approval is granted.

    Trainees will not be permitted to leave DOCJT campus until classes have ended for the day. Curfew is at 11 p.m. each night.

    Students will not be allowed to reside in the Thompson Residence Hall Friday night through Sunday morning unless prior written permission has been granted.

    Requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis.

  • Televisions are not provided. If bringing a TV, it must be able to connect to wifi. No cable-wired tv will work in the dorms.

    You will need to bring your own pillow, twin-sized XL bed linens, and blankets.

    No electrical cooking devices such as microwaves or hotplates are permitted in the dorm rooms. Coffeemakers with an automatic shut-off are allowed. Refrigerators are allowed.

    Washers/dryers are provided in Thompson Residence Hall.

    Irons and ironing boards are provided.

    Each room is equipped with a bathroom (commode, shower, sinks).

    Also furnished are two of the following: twin-size XL bed with storage drawers underneath, nightstand with drawer, 3-drawer dresser, 3-drawer student desk, and bookshelf with overhead light.

  • Minimum of 70% on Written Exams.

  • The academy’s code of conduct is defined by 503 KAR 3:010.

  • Per DOCJT Policy 2002-006, Student Ombudsman, a student ombudsman is assigned to each class to assist with student welfare during all training conducted by DOCJT. The ombudsman shall ensure fair and equitable treatment for all recruits and students in their charge. Any concern may be addressed with the ombudsman for resolution in compliance with agency statutes, regulations, agency policy, and direction.

Registration Processes

  • Step 1: The Agency enrolls students using the LETRS “Register for Courses” band.

    Step 2: A notification is sent to the student and whoever registered for them advising them that they have registered and are in a “Pending” status.

    Step 3: The student is automatically placed in a “Pending Status” awaiting registration review unless it is an automatic enrollment course (e.g., Breath Test Operator Recertification, House Bill 298, Mandatory Training).

    Step 4: The DOCJT Administrative Support Section reviews the registration to determine if the student has had the class in the past three years. If so they are denied enrollment.

    Step 5: The DOCJT Administrative Support Section reviews any prerequisite requirements (e.g., documents, required courses, etc.) to determine enrollment.

    Step 6: The student is either enrolled on a first-come first-served basis, denied, or put on a waitlist based on this review.

    Step 7: If the class is a mandatory waitlist class* the instructor for the course reviews the applications and decides on who will be enrolled, denied, or waitlisted.

    Step 8: LETRS will send an automated email to the student who enrolled them advising of the change in status immediately when the status is changed.

    *Some classes require a more extensive review of the student’s qualifications, agency needs, grant-funded mandates, or other factors. These classes use a “mandatory waitlist” process for all students.

  • Classes are published for registration at 0900 EST.

  • If you are logged into the LETRS system before or at the time a class is published you will need to log out and then log back in to see it on your screen. For example, if you are trying to get a head start on registration for upcoming classes and have the LETRS system open at 0855 EST you will not see anything change on your screen at 0900 EST until you log out and log back.

  • On your LETRS dashboard, go to the “Register for Courses” band. You may search for courses by name, location, or date. Only available classes will show up.

  • On the “Register for Courses” band, the course will show how many open spots are available and if there are any available waitlisted spots.

  • Class sizes depend on several factors. Those include the type of class it is (e.g., firearms classes are limited by the number of firing lines available, and classes with high levels of practical skills are more limited than lecture-based courses). The facility being used may determine class sizes (e.g., one classroom may only be able to hold 20 students while another may be able to handle 50). Finally, the instructor-to-student ratio for safety must be taken into consideration.

  • Only Agency Heads, Training Directors, Administrators, or Training Coordinators may register someone from their agency for training. Students may not enroll themselves in classes.

  • Yes, as long as it is one week or more before the course starts and not a law enforcement basic training academy class you may click the cancel button in the LTRS “Registration Status” band.

  • All new classes will be published at 0900 EST on specific dates and will be viewable in the LETRS “Register for Courses” band.

  • If a class has been canceled anyone enrolled in the class along with whoever registered them will receive a notification from LETRS advising them as such. The class will also no longer show on the “Register for Courses” band in LETRS.

  • Pending – Students who have been requested to be enrolled in a class and are awaiting review for an enrollment decision.

    Waitlisted – Students who are on standby for a class due to it being full, awaiting required documents, or applications are being reviewed for an enrollment decision.

    Enrolled – A student who has been approved to attend a class

    Open – Available seats for registration in a class

    Canceled – A registered student whose agency either removes them from a class, notifies the Administrative Support Section requesting removal from the class before the class start date, or the class itself has been cancelled.

    Denied – Students who have taken a course within the last three years, do not meet course enrollment requirements, or are unable to be enrolled in a class due to other circumstances (e.g., maximum numbers already enrolled).

  • You may go to the “Registration Status” band in your dashboard to see the current status for either yourself or those you have registered (based on your permissions in the system) along with any notes associated with the registration.

  • The person immediately goes into a pending status awaiting review by the DOCJT Administrative Support Section. Based on this review the person will be either enrolled into the class, denied enrollment into the class, waitlisted and on standby for the class, or have their registration canceled.

  • A specific number of slots are put into the system as waitlisted spots once a class has no more open seats. These are used to replace those who cancel the class and may or may not become available for actual enrollment.

    However, other circumstances may dictate that registered students are placed on a waitlist. These include registration waiting for required documents necessary for class enrollment or if applications for the course are being reviewed by course instructors before enrollment decisions are made. Comments may be placed in the “Registration Status” band in LETRS explaining why the person has been put on the waitlist.

  • Some courses require all students to be placed on a waitlist for instructor or section supervisor review of rank, outside agency course completions, applications, etc.

  • There are several reasons that a person may be denied enrollment into a class. These include the student having taken the course during the past three years which makes them ineligible for KLEC credit for the course. The student may also not meet pre-requisite requirements for the course such as not having taken another course that was required or not meeting rank requirements for a course. Finally, if required documents are not submitted for a class then the student will be denied entrance into the course.

  • Cancellations may be made by anyone in your agency with appropriate role permissions. However, the person may also be canceled if the class itself is canceled or the person has left the agency that originally registered them.

  • Classes may be canceled for various reasons including scheduling conflicts, weather, closure, technical issues, and staffing issues.

  • Please use the following list. If you can not reach or obtain assistance from the number below please contact or Marnie West at 859-622-5032.

    Law Enforcement Basic Training, Coroners Courses, Classes from the Field Section

    Loriann Shwartz

    Telecommunication Section, DUI Enforcement Section

    Janet Brockwell

    Resiliency Section and PCIS

    Melissa Gillingham

    Patrol Section, Investigations Section

    Sonya Tevis

    Law Enforcement Operations Section, Legal Training, Leadership, Firearms, PT/DT, Tactics Sections and Veterans Affairs

    Brooke Norton

    School Resource Officer

    Jody Plummer


    • 1-844-5KY-PCIS


    • Immediate Crisis Help 1-206-459-3020

  • 0900 Eastern Standard Time.

  • New classes are published at 0900 Eastern Standard Time (EST) in LETRS. However, if you are logged into LETRS before that time you will need to log out and log back in to get the updated publication of classes after 0900 to be able to view them.

  • There are two reasons this might occur:

    • The student does not meet prerequisite requirements to enroll in the course. For example, if they are not listed with the appropriate rank, they cannot complete the registration for the Police Executive Command Course (PECC). Check by clicking the information button next to the course to see if this is the issue.

    • Most of the time this error is related to needed information. Click the need information box, and the system will tell you what information is required (e.g., a prerequisite form). Once provided, the box should be opened to allow for the registration.

Resiliency (Professional Development & Wellness)

  • Current or previous Kentucky Peace Officers and Telecommunicators who have experienced a critical incident and their spouses or significant others.

  • Training to improve a person's ability to recover quickly from disruptive change or misfortune without being overwhelmed or acting in dysfunctional or harmful ways.

  • Resiliency, Stress and Coping (online)

  • Yes, Assisting Individuals in Crisis, Group Crisis Intervention, and KY LEN Peer Support.

  • KRS 15.518(9)(a) defines a critical incident as any event that has a stressful impact sufficient enough to overwhelm a peace officer’s usual coping strategies. These events may include:

    • An Officer-involved shooting;

    • A vehicle crash resulting in serious injury or death to an officer or citizen;

    • An officer being the victim of a felonious assault;

    • The death of a colleague or partner;

    • The death of, or serious injury to, a person in the custody of the officer;

    • The severe injury to, or death of, a child, particularly if the officer has a child of or near the same age; or

    • An incident involving multiple deaths or injuries in a short amount of time.

School Resource Officer

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • DOCJT staff will continue working diligently to move officers off the waiting list and into classroom seats. The DOCJT commissioner can grant extensions on a case-by-case need.

  • No. At this time, only active SROs are granted access to training to meet the legal mandate. More spots will be made available once all active officers are trained.

  • SRO 2 will include opportunities for officers to participate in roundtable discussions with leaders around the state on school/law enforcement-related topics. SRO 3 will expand rapid deployment and firearms training.

  • Further training will continue annually and include current trends and issues for SROs. Instructors will work diligently to update the material so that it is applicable to officer needs.